The Past Bastard met up with Bro. Joe Snow, Senior Warden of Amorous Ashlar Lodge No. 31 and founder of MasonsOnly.com, to get the inside scoop on how MasonsOnly.com came into being: "I came up with the concept of MasonsOnly.com after breaking up with my most recent boyfriend. He wasn't a Mason, and was jealous of all the time I spent at Lodge. It was a bad situation. After everything calmed down, I realized that we Masons should really be looking for that match within Masonry! Think about it--when you and your partner spend time together at Lodge, you no longer have concern over someone in the relationship keeping secrets. Besides, don't get me started about how amazing it would be to have my boyfriend refer to me as 'Master' during my year..."
Bro. Joe trailed off for a bit and when The Past Bastard began listening again, he decided to tell us about how the site works: "Well, you see, we've got a 33-point compatibility scale--I know, right?--that we test each new member against to find matches. We test everything from whether a member wears his ring points in or points out, to how a member feels about Traditional Observance Masonry, to a member's preference for green beans over corn during Lodge dinners. We've tried to take the guesswork out of the most contentious parts of the Masonic experience so our members don't have to worry about getting matched up with someone who will drive them nuts at the outset."
The Past Bastard inquired as to whether or not Bro. Snow would be opening MasonsOnly up to women Masons and appendant bodies, but Bro. Snow sees no need for that at this point: "We're called MasonsOnly for a reason. We have to keep some semblance of regularity to preserve harmony among our members. If people want a co-ed Masonic dating site, I'll happily direct them to Le Droit Humain. We're not marketing to appendant bodies either as the Shriners already have their own dating site. While we aren't interested in opening membership up to women or other appendant bodies, we are working diligently to market this site to our Prince Hall brethren! More to come on that angle down the road."
Bro. Snow also told The Past Bastard about his plans to partner with other Masonic endeavors to expand the services that his site offers: "We're looking to partner with the good men over at Amity to expand the scope of MasonsOnly.com. Soon, our members will not only be able to see perfect matches nearby, but the matches' Lodges will factor into our compatibility algorithm. I always say you don't marry the brother, you marry the Lodge!"
-SK Bro. Mason Buhrmaster
interesting idea let us know when the site is up
ReplyDeleteI met my husband at our local ritual instructional school!