Monday, January 18, 2016

Past Masters Disappointed That New Masons Lack Knowledge of Freemasonry

Watsumi, FL -- After enacting a number of initiatives to attract younger new members, the lodges around Central Florida are beginning to see results. Men in their 30s are beginning to join the lodges in small, but increasing numbers. This has led, however, to some unforeseen issues in many lodges. 
Older Masons are frustrated that new members don't understand
Freemasonry, and lack the resources to teach them.
“Yeah, we’re getting all these new members, and all, and the Grand Lodge said that we should take the time to get to know them, and to see of they have any ideas on how to improve the fraternity,” said WB Pat Vigoda of Citrus Lodge No. 588. “But so far, all these young guys have hardly said ‘Boo’ in lodge. All they do is keep asking us questions.” 
Indeed, that has been among the biggest complaints coming back up the hierarchy to the Grand Lodge officers: the new members don’t know anything about Freemasonry, and end up having very little to offer the Craft.  
“You know, it wouldn’t be so bad if they just sat there and kept quiet, and all,” explained WB Bob O’Reilly of Sunlight Lodge No. 842. “But they’re so green that it’s a drain on our resources. They keep asking questions about Masonry, and we need to have all these guys available to teach them stuff. What was the Grand Lodge thinking when they tried advertising to get them in here?”
The Grand Lodge of Florida has declined to comment on plans to remedy the situation. 
-- Conte Calvino Gliostro


  1. Your kidding right? That's exactly how it should have been all along.

  2. Bro. Chris, two things. 1. We never kid. 2. We never use the incorrect version of "you/your/you're." Have a lovely day. -MB

    1. Because all Masons are perfect correct? We also never talk to others the way you just talked to Chris. Remember you are a gentleman.Remember the obligation. I am hoping it was a joke.

    2. Bro. Dan, please read my Letter from the Editor for more clarification on the tone of this site. Best, MB

    3. Bro. Dan: you are correct - all Masons are perfect. In every way. Including you. But especially me.

  3. I'm disappointed that the old Mason's lack knowledge of Freemasonry; although their spaghetti dinners pretty much make up for it.

  4. The problem is the past master is not teaching in the Worshipful Master is not doing his job I am a past master myself and I just started teaching a lot of past master you would be surprised but doesn't know Masonic lecture

    1. What are you talking about?! A Worshipful Master knows everything! That's why he's called the MASTER and why everyone needs to WORSHIP him! He's GODLIKE in every way! If you're a Part Master, then your time is up - NO MORE WORSHIP FOR YOU!

    2. I spoke to a Past Grand Master of Pennsylvania a few years ago.He asked me if I knew what PGM stood for. I replied, "Past Grand Master" He smiled, shook his head negatively and said, "Power's Gone Man>"
